Tuesday, April 29, 2014


It's now time for us to start looking in the future. We have the whole month of May! Though it is filled with AP tests, Prom, Grad Night, we will still be doing some events in the club to close the year!

  • May 9 is our Club Party & Movie Night
  • May ?? is our Summertime Madness Event with the Children of the Homeless Shelter
    • Will talk with all of you about that in our meeting this Thursday. Meeting in different location. Wait for our text message for lunch meeting location.
  • May ?? is our Club lunch potluck at school.
    • It's bring a friend day. Make sure to bring a friend to the party so they may understand our club and its purpose.
    • Will discuss at next meeting of who is bringing what.
May is a busy month so make sure you attend all of our meetings to make sure you are up to date.
We will decide if we will be having a meeting during the weeks of AP testing.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Our Goals for the Rest of the Semester

Our goals for this semester in Project Humanity are:

  1. Reach our goal for Relay for Life.
  2. Fundraise for the Free the Children organization.
  3. Participate in Serve Santa Maria with a good amount of people.
  4. Create more projects for the community.
  5. Learn more about what it is like to show compassion to others through small and big things.
At the moment, we are just looking at other things to do for the community as we are basing our projects on the amount of funds that we have.